Telegram new update announced brings Similar Channels, Reposting Stories, and 9 more new Features

Explore the newest Telegram update, featuring Similar Channels, Reposting Stories, Video Messages, Profile Colors, Wallpapers for Both Sides and more
Telegram new update
Telegram new update

Telegram released a new update (10.3.1) that brings several new features for both normal and premium users. New Features for normal users include;  Similar Channels, Reposting Stories, Video Messages on Stories, Voice-to-Text for Everyone, Story Stats for Channels, Custom Reactions for Channels, Code Highlighting in Messages, Improvements for Topics, Thanos Snap Effects on iOS, and new features for premium users includes customization options like profile colors, wallpapers for both sides. Check out the complete new features list here.

Telegram's new update features;

  1. Similar Channels.
  2. Reposting Stories.
  3. Video Messages on Stories.
  4. Premium: Profile Colors (Premium users).
  5. Wallpapers for Both Sides (Premium users).
  6. Voice-to-Text for Everyone.
  7. Story Stats for Channels.
  8. Custom Reactions for Channels.
  9. Code Highlighting in Messages.
  10. Improvements for Topics.
  11. Thanos Snap Effects on iOS.

#1) Similar Channels

Joining Telegram channels becomes even more exciting with the introduction of Similar Channels. Easily find public channels similar to your interests, enhancing your content discovery journey. This feature intelligently curates suggestions based on subscriber similarities, streamlining your access to the latest news, entertainment, and even AI-generated cat pictures.

#2) Reposting Stories

The update introduces the ability to repost stories from friends and favorite channels to your profile, effortlessly expanding their reach. Add your unique touch with text, audio, or video comments. Privacy is prioritized, allowing reposting only for stories visible to 'Everyone.'

To repost a story, tap the share arrow and select 'Repost Story' – to protect privacy, only stories that are visible to 'Everyone' can be reposted.

#3) Video Messages on Stories

Now, you can infuse personality into your stories with video messages. Resize and move them across the screen, adding a dynamic layer to your content. Share thoughts on trending topics or engage in creative video conversations, making your stories truly stand out.

To record a video message, hold the camera icon in the story editor. Hold on to the video track at the bottom of the screen to control volume.

#4) Profile Colors (Premium users)

Premium users can now set a unique color combination with logos for their profiles. Customize your messages and profile to make your presence distinct. Choose your color under Settings on Android or Appearance on iOS.

To customize your messages or profile, go to Settings > Chat Settings > Change Your Color on Android. On iOS, it's under Settings > Appearance > Your Color.

#5) Wallpapers for Both Sides (Premium Users)

Individual chat customizations reach a new level with the ability for Premium users to set wallpapers for both sides. Enhance the visual appeal of your conversations by applying the same wallpaper for yourself and your chat partner.

To set a custom wallpaper in any 1-on-1 chat, tap ⋮ (on iOS, open the user's profile, then select ⋯) > Change Wallpaper.

#6) Voice-to-Text for Everyone

Voice and video message transcription, once exclusive to Premium users, is now accessible to all. Convert up to 2 messages per week into text, facilitating quick understanding or translation. A game-changer for users seeking a seamless communication experience.

#7) Story Stats for Channels

Channels with story-posting capabilities can now delve into detailed statistics. Track views, shares, and reactions with comprehensive graphs, gaining insights into your story's reach and performance.

Story stats can be seen by tapping ⋮/⋯ when viewing your story, or in Channel Info > ⋮/⋯ > Statistics.

Channel stats, boosts, and giveaway settings are easier to reach via Channel Info > Edit > Statistics and Boosts.

#8) Custom Reactions for Channels

Channel admins now have an enhanced interface for managing reactions. Add or remove specific emojis, including custom ones tied to your channel's level. Visualize sentiment through reaction graphs, offering a nuanced understanding of audience engagement.

Channel stats now show a reaction sentiment graph, based on the emoji used to react to its posts. It tracks positive and negative for emotional equivalents of 👍 / 🔥 and 👎 / 💩, and 'other' for the more ambiguous options like 🦆, 🧞‍♂️ or 🪃.

#9) Code Highlighting in Messages: A Developer's Delight

Thanks to a recent coding contest winner, Telegram now supports code formatting. The app intelligently detects coding languages and highlights syntax in messages sent with triple backticks. A boon for developers differentiating between Java and C#.

Additional Improvements:

#10) Topics in Groups

Save your view preference in groups with Topics enabled. In groups with Topics enabled, your app will save your view preference of View as Messages or View as Topics when you open the group again.

#11) Thanos Snap Effects on iOS:

Enjoy captivating animations for auto-deleted messages, adding a touch of visual flair to your messaging experience.

You can enable an auto-delete timer for messages in individual chats, or across your entire account. The quickest way to see the new animation in action is by setting up a short self-destruct timer in a Secret Chat.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: How can I discover Similar Channels on Telegram?

A1: Upon joining a channel, a list of similar public channels will be displayed. These suggestions are curated based on similarities in subscriber bases.

Q2: Can I repost any story on Telegram?

A2: You can repost stories from friends and channels, but only those visible to 'Everyone' for privacy reasons.

Q3: How do I set a custom wallpaper for both sides in a chat?

A3: Premium users can achieve this by tapping ⋮ (on iOS, open the user's profile, then select ⋯) > Change Wallpaper.

Unleash the full potential of your Telegram experience with these exciting features. Whether you're a casual user or a channel admin, this update promises to elevate your messaging game.